Book Trailer

Friday, January 10, 2014

Greetings from #Chiberia

Now that the snow is melting before the next big system blows in… a moment to reflect. At +16 degrees, the day was 25 degrees warmer than on Monday. I waited at a stoplight when another consumer from the grocery store spoke. “At least we can breathe the air, loosen our scarves.”

“And I ate everything in the house,” I added. “Let me open this can of green beans that I bought in the summer.”

“I was eating dry cereal,” she smiled. “Dog biscuits were looking good too.”

A person has to like herself to tolerate a Chicago winter living alone. But I like my characters and wrote 200 pages, so the time was well spent. The confinement and sensory deprivation actually helped with developing fresh scenes in Book V of the Dolvia Saga. Juggling the many characters and deciding their fates was a great puzzle (glass bead game) for the dark winter months.

I’m almost sorry to return to teaching where I read student papers instead of reading the newest free fantasy release on Kindle.

When schools were closed for two days, students who started online classes celebrated their choices for avoiding the expressway and posting on DBs from the warmth of the living room. 

I live in an integrated society. I’m glad for the work and for my avocation. 

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